
It seems like this year has been a year of dreams coming true. Thank you so much for your support in helping make it all happen. I'm not sure how much of a coincidence it is that my site is going live right as hurricane Wilma is making her own debut. Suddenly my song "Wilma Like a Maniac" seems very a propos! In one of the verses, a couple of people get shut inside during a hurricane and decide to make the best of it through the storm. I wrote the song years ago and never had any premonition that such a hurricane would actually strike! A shortened version of Wilma Like a Maniac is available for free download on the Music section of the site. To find it, click "Music," then "Cara Cantarella EP," and scroll down to the bottom of the list. A special shout out to those of you who’ve gone through the real Wilma this week: I sure hope the tune helps make the days a little lighter. Much love to you all. Cara